Hello Michaellee1983 and Welcome to the Shotokan Program. Indeed in our system we are working on balance and harmony in our life. It is through balance and harmony of your mind, body, spirit and emotions that true power is found and used for your highest good and the highest good of all others. Complete Shotokan Karate does give on a balanced training system to help one create the inner strength within them that can be translated into what ever level of being needed to protect yourself and others. Not to say that you can not do the same in others systems that have a more aggressive nature to them. I do believe that one must be balanced in all that they do or your life situation can get difficult. I have survived many tough fights over the years fighting opponents that were much better fighters than me. I owe this to being able to command presence in the moment even in the face of what seems to be a larger force than myself. I owe this personal power to the countless hours of training within the Spirit of Karate-Do.