I agree with you Sir. I train using both sides even though I favor my right side more, especially with kicks. But it’s still best to do both. In the Military we train to shoot on both sides because if we just trained on our dominant side it short changes our defense (or offense depending on what the mission is). This is especially true in urban areas when buildings and walls come into play. Cover and concealment are your best friends in thesr situations. The same concept holds true in martial arts training. For example, if you get pinned against a wall on you dominant side in a Self-defense situation and that’s the only side you ever trained on; now you’re at a loss. But if you train on both sides, it becomes muscle memory and you can easily execute the proper techniques to get you out of the situation and to safety. In Krav Maga there is only one rule, go home safe, period. Training on both sides allows us to do just that.