Greetings from France

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    Hello everybody
    First I have to tell you that I’m very shy in English so, sorry for the language.
    I study Ultimate bo staff since 2014. I plan to test Blue chevron as soon as possible.
    I learn the kata little by little. I “decypher” it into movements or groups of movements and give a number to each from zero to n thus, When I repeat the kata I cant count in m heah “0, 1, 3, 4 is a oherhead fromt strike” and so on… This is very helpful.
    I work the intensity on group of movements.
    Today I did not yet decyphered all the kata. I take my time, this kata is very tricky and I want to be satisfied with my work.

    Well, this message was intented to give news of me to sensei and to say to the guys “Hey ! There is a place far in a French coutry where a dude is working Ultimate Bo, like you”…



    Thanks for the update BlackChucks! It sounds like you have created a good way to learn, memorize, and master kata. I have another student who uses shortcode. Some students draw out diagrams, some use mirrors, there are lots of ways to properly learn a kata.

    You made me laugh out loud with your last sentence there! It is cool to know that we have students in France, Texas, Saudi Arabia, Iceland, Russia, Antarctica, and more places doing ultimate bo.

    Ok….so no one in Antarctica yet, but I am sending a free streaming edition to a penguin tomorrow.


    Cool, I downloaded a free program called “Free video cutter” and cut the 5 sequences into individual videos. This way I can study each sequence.

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