Black Belt at Home Blog
Want to Learn the Bo Staff? All Beginners Start Here with a Complete Step by Step Tutorial
- September 28, 2011
- Posted by: GMAU
- Category: Bo
Training with a bo is a lot of fun, but takes hard work and diligence – but it is REALLY FUN to train with the bo. No wonder the bo staff is the most widely practiced martial arts weapon in the world. Below are 4 tips that every beginner needs to know to get the most out of their Bo Training:
1. Choose the Right Bo.
It is very important to choose the correct bo for your training. If you are training for competition, and will be learning freestyle (modern) bo; then I recommend a white wood lotus bo (toothpick) or a graphite bo. These are lightweight options that will make it very simple for you to practice the basics. You can start with a oak, heavy bo – this will be very difficult as a beginner; but will build up a great deal of strength .
2. Set a Goal.
Without a goal, you are destined for failure, or even worse, mediocrity. Are you training to compete at a tournament? Are you training to teach your martial arts students the bo? Are you training just for fun, as a hobby? Write down what you want to achieve.For example: I will earn my yellow chevron in Ultimate Bo by next month. (Ultimate Bo is my full white to black belt program where you can earn rank in Bo).
I will win 1st place in Weapons at the XYZ Tournament next month.
I will learn the first Bo form and be ready to launch the bo class at my martial arts school by February 1st.
3. Learn Individual Techniques first; not combinations or full forms.
Many bo students purchase training DVDS that teach a full combo, or a form. The material does not actually break down each individual technique. This will hamper your excellence in your technique and training ability – it is important to learn piece by piece. Once you learn all individual techniques; you can then string together amazing combinations and orms.
4. Make the Bo an Extension of your Body.
No, please do not turn into a mad scientist and get your tool kit out….! What I mean is that your mindset when practicing with you Bo is that it is just an extension of your body, an extended arm. When you do a front strike, figure 8 spin, or sweep; your entire body flows with the Bo, not against it. This will create beautiful flowing combinations and impressive abilities.
5. Get help.
I know how fun it is to grab your bo (or makeshift bo…..broom stick..anyone?); and swing around like crazy in the backyard acting like you are Mr. Bruce Lee. Yes, I know, this is not his favorite weapon, you get the point… You need quality, easy to use, training materials to get the most out of your experience. I highly recommend this amazing training series called Ultimate Bo. This is also the only training program in the world in which you can earn a true black belt in the weapon of Bo.
6. ……So Get Started Already!
Check out some great tutorials for basic techniques and combos at: or even better, create a free account in my guided online course – Ultimate Bo.
My son has been bo staff trainingfor about 7 years now and has won several state championships and NASKA titles. I really like your advice on learning basic techniques first before working on combos or full forms. Good stuff!
I’m a 5’3″ 52 year old female who has NO martial arts training, can I still learn how to use the bo staff just for Hobby at home?
Absolutely! Bo can be learned by anyone, whether you’ve done other martial arts, or are a complete beginner. I have many women in their 50’s who are very successful, and love the staff. I have some who wanted to train just for fitness with a purpose, and some with the desire to earn rank. The program is very rehabilitative, and promotes mindful training.
Hey Regina,
I have anxiety and I was looking for an outlet, I read that exercising can be helpful (but I absolutely hate exercising). Still, watching some Bo staff videos on youtube made me think that this could be fun. Then I felt a little silly, picking this just because it looked fun…until I read your comment. You’ve inspired me, lets do this together!
Mr. Hodge,
I own a TKD school and am looking to create a weapons class starting with the Bo. I have some background in it and really enjoy the beauty of its forms. I’m afraid that my students would rather do the tricks and flips training and so I’m wondering which program to implement. I really like what I see from your chevron layout but does it also teach some the new “sport” stuff that kids are so excited about?
Thank you
Hi Stephen,
Nice to meet you, your students are lucky, as they are going to get to learn bo soon! The Ultimate Bo system teaches authentic, Okinawan based bojutsu, but with a modernistic flair. There are some fun “sport” techniques included in the curriculum and katas. For example, Bo Kata 2 uses a double figure 8, and double-double trick within it. Overall, it is a more modern approach to the staff, compared to what you would have learned back in 19th century Okinawa. But, the students will actually develop a true foundation and understanding of the realistic intent of every technique. Along with combat bo, which is realistic fighting bo.
Thanks! Michael
I started to become entranced with the Bo Staff due to watching my favorite tv show, The Walking Dead. A character named Morgan Jones from the show uses one, and I must admit, I was addicted from the moment I saw him training with and using it. Through research I found out the exact staff the character used and purchased it. Now as mentioned above, it has become an extension of myself. I’m so into it, my staff has a name. I named her “Lisa”. Lisa comes pretty much every where with me….I realize I have a lot to learn, so do you have any advice as to where I can learn more techniques? Maybe certain videos on YouTube? Because to be honest, there is only so much I can self teach myself. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Hi Francis, That is really cool that you learned about the staff from Morgan. I have quite a few students who were encouraged to pick up this discipline from The Walking Dead. I happen to feel the same way about my staff, after training with a bo consistently for the last 16 years, I definitely miss it when I cannot train. I actually created the world’s first “bo only” ranking style, called Ultimate Bo. We have the world’s most comprehensive online Bo Staff course here: . The course takes you through the basic stances, grips, strikes, blocks, forms, combat scenarios, sparring drills, and everything else. If you just want to dabble into the style, you can get the core curriculum on DVD here: . Let me know how else I can help you out!
This is Raju and I’m 32 years old and i dont any basic knowledge of karate or any Marshall arts and I’m totally beginner can I learn Bo Spin and how may days it take to learn from beginner to intermediate level and professional level
Hi Raju, Absolutely! Well, I mean, if you train with the bo 3 times a week with focus and intensity – you can reach an advanced level of mastery within 1-2 years. Just take it one session at a time. Look us my bo classes on youtube, and then join the GMAU Ultimate Bo course if you want to earn rank and really be a part of this with us.
I am 47, overweight, and have limited mobility. Is there a way to start out super slowly to build up strength? What do you recommend? PS. I suck at math and hate your captcha thing. 😉 lol
Hey Denise,
Absolutely, just take it one day at a time. Have you already created a free beginner’s course account for Ultimate Bo? I would do that first, it is a great way to get going with the staff. Sorry about the captcha thing, we used to get a lot of spam.
My 10yo son wants to learn is this something he can realistically do?
Oh absolutely! We have many kids in our program learning the bo!
Hi! My 12 year old daughter Chloe is a first degree black belt in karate. She’s dying to learn bo staff. Which one do u recommend for beginners? Also, I’m thinking we’ll try your online classes but do u have any contacts near Maryland / DC who may give private lessons face to face ?
Hi Nikki, An ash training bo is a nice option. We don’t have any contacts in that area, but we do have a full online course with thousands of students around the world, receiving personal attention, feedback, guidance; and the full curriculum fully guided from white to black. Thanks!
Enjoyed your article. I began teaching myself last year right as the pandemic began. I had been going through a really deep depression prior to this. The things I used to enjoy doing didn’t make me happy anymore. I just happened to come across a video of this chic going off with a bo staff and I was like ‘why the hell not’. I have a lot of bamboo in my back yard so I went and cut me a 5ft piece and gave it a go. I was a natural. I fell in love with martial arts as a whole. I can honestly say it probably saved my life. It changed the way I look at everything now. Sorry to bore..I just wanted to share my story
Wow, this does not bore me at all. Actually, I can going to share this with my instructor team, what an inspirational story, seriously!! I am so happy to hear that you were drawn to the bo, and martial arts, and how it has helped. We would be stoked to have you as a student in the GMAU Ultimate Bo course (, you’ll fit right in. 🙂
I may be interested in learning this now that my dominant ankle and dominant hand have been injured making Krav Maga too painful at the moment; with a very good chance this pain and weakness is now permanent.
I also think it’d pair well with the knife and escrima stick training I previously trained/taught.
Had some terrible physical set backs; but still want to challenge myself as a martial artist. Maybe this is still possible?