Hello From Chicago

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    My name is John Moser and I just wanted to introduce myself. I am currently enrolled in the Ultimate Bo online class. I have studied Taekwondo and Aikido in the past but have been unable to continue due to my profession. For the last 25 years I have been a professional musician touring and recording for hundreds of artists. I have had to put my martial arts training on hold because of my sometimes crazy schedule. This online training is exactly what I have been looking for and I am so glad I found it! This allows me to train on my own time from wherever I am. I have always wanted to learn Bojutsu but just never had the time. I am currently working on my Yellow Chevron and absolutely love the instructional videos. Very well put together and organized. Thank you, John


    Hi John,

    Thanks for joining Ultimate Bo! It sounds like you have an unique background in the martial arts, as well as in music. It sounds like you’ve had a crazy schedule, but it has been well worth it for all of the great experiences with various musicians, fans, and creating music.

    I am glad that you love the training program. I am working very hard on new material as we speak, to create the richest and most dimensional bojutsu program on the planet. For now, continue to focus on the yellow chevron techniques and kata, and have fun each time you pick up the staff.

    Thanks! Sensei Michael

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